
Expert Underground Utility Services in Los Angeles County

At Devco Development & Engineering, we’re not just a company; we’re a pillar in the development and engineering sector, especially in Los Angeles County, California. Our services, including Hydro Excavation, Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), Potholing, Pipe Bursting, Micro Trenching, Hydro Vac, Pipe Splitting, Trenchless Sewer Repair, and Directional Boring, set the standard for excellence and safety in the underground utilities industry. As a proud Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE), we bring unparalleled expertise and dedication to every project, ensuring your infrastructure needs are not just met, but exceeded.

Our licenses as a General A Engineering Contractor and General Contractor B, both in California, attest to our capability and expertise in handling complex underground utility projects. Our certifications as a DVBE, SDVOSB, PDBE, SB-Micro, and Sb-pw showcase our broad recognition for quality service and commitment to excellence.

Our Premier Services

Hydro Excavation in Los Angeles County

Using high-pressure water, our Hydro Excavation service offers a safer, non-destructive method for soil excavation, allowing for precise digging with minimal environmental impact.

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) In Los Angeles County

Our HDD service is perfect for installing underground pipes, conduits, and cables with minimal disturbance to the surrounding area—ideal for urban and environmentally sensitive areas.

Potholing In Los Angeles County

We use potholing to ascertain the exact location of underground utilities, ensuring that any construction or excavation work proceeds without damaging existing infrastructure.

Pipe Bursting In Los Angeles county

With our Pipe Bursting service, replacing old or damaged pipes becomes a seamless process, minimizing the need for extensive excavation and reducing overall project time.

Micro Trenching In Los Angeles County

Our Micro Trenching service is designed for the efficient installation of fiber-optic cables, ensuring high-speed communication networks with minimal disruption to the surface.

Hydro Vac In Los Angeles County

The Hydro Vac method offers a safe and efficient way to excavate and remove soil, utilizing pressurized water and a vacuum system to clear out debris.

Pipe Splitting In Los Angeles County

We use Pipe Splitting to replace existing underground utilities without the need for total excavation, saving time and preserving the integrity of the surrounding area.

Trenchless Sewer Repair In Los Angeles County

Our Trenchless Sewer Repair solutions offer a less invasive option for repairing sewer lines, avoiding significant digging and disruption to your property.

Directional Boring In Los Angeles County

Directional Boring is another non-invasive technique we employ to install underground utilities with precision, avoiding obstacles and minimizing surface disturbance.

Devco Development & Engineering: Your Trusted Partner

With safety as our paramount concern, Devco Development & Engineering brings unmatched expertise to underground utilities projects throughout Los Angeles County. Each project benefits from our distinct approach, combining innovation with traditional values to deliver superior results. Our team is equipped to handle the challenges of today’s infrastructure needs, making us the go-to provider for clients who demand quality, safety, and reliability.

For expert service in underground utilities, contact us today at 951-221-3633 or email info@devco-inc.com. Let’s build the future together.

Featured Services in Los Angeles County